NICAS Level 3 - Technical Climber
A more advanced top-roping and bouldering award that focuses on developing technique and movement skills.
This is aimed at ensuring a candidate possesses the knowledge and skill to climb and belay safely at any climbing facility (whether or not under supervision or with back-up) and operate in a responsible manner.
Achievement at this level is broadly equivalent to a pass at GCSE.
Students must have passed Level 2 to start level 3 or have proven a level of competence to an instructor prior to the course. They must know how to belay to a high standard, be able to catch a climber fall on a belay plate without backup, able to climb graded routes with good pacing and technique, can tie in and fit a harness without instruction and can demonstraite a high level of climbing centre safe practise. NIBAS or NICAS Bouldering levels do not transfer to NICAS Climbing as the skills are different.