NICAS Level 2 - Foundation Climber
Level 2 focuses on practice and safety. The skills leant in Level 1 are repeated until the climbers can do them independantly. They will also learn about climbing techniques and how to use them to improve climbing skill.
Level 2 will take at least 2 terms to complete. This can be more as passing depends on the climber. They will need to prove to a high standard that they can operate as a climber and belayer safely.
NOTE: Students must have passed Level 1 to start level 2 or have proven a level of competence to an instructor prior to the course. They must know how to tie in to a rope using a figure-of-eight knot, fit a harness, belay correctly using a belay plate and assend and decend a wall with confidence. NIBAS or NICAS Bouldering levels do not transfer to NICAS Climbing as the skills are different.
If completing for a Duke of Edinburgh's Award please let the instructor know that you require an assessor's report at the time of attendance.
This course is run for ages 8 to 17. We also run a course for ages 3+ called Wild Climbers.